Typological data processing

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This document includes TYPOLO V2.02 english version, a freeware which allows to

The Javascript1.2 software is entirely included in this page. Saving this page to local hard disk (File, Save as... ou Fichier enregistrer sous...), makes it possible to use it without being connected (activate JavaScript in browser options!).

General information and versions history

In version 1.00

Version 1.01 improvements

Version 1.02 improvements

Version 1.03 improvements

Version 2.00 improvements

What's new in version 2.01 ?

What's new in version 2.02 ?

Directions for use

Using the program requires to fill in the forms and push appropriate buttons. Forms can be filled in with new data or using previously saved data.

Each form is followed by

A "Prepare form" button is found above features values and weights input forms. It must be pushed before filling in each form (in case of new data) or after having read back saved data (in this case, pushing the button is not mandatory but it helps to check the values!).

In order to load saved data, it is first necessary to reset all forms, then give the name that was chosen at the moment the data were saved (including low/high case letters), then push "Load" button. From version 2.01, a table gives available data sets names. After that, you just have to follow all the way down the forms and push, in the order you find them, all preparation and validation buttons. Of course, adjust the values that you need to change when you find them.

For new input, following steps are to be taken :

  1. provide objects names and validate them;
  2. provide features names and validate them ;
  3. push "Prepare form" before values input ;
  4. input values (unknown values are allowed: an unquoted "?" must then be given instead of a number) and validate them ;
  5. push "Prepare form" before features weights input ;
  6. provide features weights (0 or 1 or any number between 0 and 1 ; example : 0.75) and validate them (larger value implies bigger effect of corresponding feature, zero means no effect at all - if you don't know set 1 for every feature) ;
  7. at this point, it is possible to save the data that have been just written (to allow this you need to set options of your browser such that it accepts cookies). Choose a name for the data set no longer than 10 letters or figures (underscore _ is allowed). It is possible to save up to three data sets but the real value of this number depends on your browser. When the maximum number is reached, new records will push olders ones out of cookies memory so be cautious when saving (trick : in order to keep some data sets, experts may copy the cookie file somewhere else...). In any case, data sets will automatically be deleted after one year.
  8. launch sorting out process (for a full 10*10 matrix, approximately 5 seconds will be necessary with a pentium 166 computer for objects and the like for features) ;
  9. push the "Display results" button to obtain just that.

Data input

Load previously saved data

In order to process a new set of data, jump directly to next section.
To load previously saved data, apply directions below :
IMPORTANT NOTE 1 : in order to get the correct values at the correct places, it is important to load the data in forms that have dimensions IDENTICAL to those which have been used for saving them. The best solution is to use the same page.
You don't have to account for this note if you did not change forms dimensions.

IMPORTANT NOTE 2 : the only purpose of loading data is to avoid cumbersome re-typing of data. this means that you will have to push the preparation and validation buttons just as if you have typed in the data.

IMPORTANT NOTE 3 : before loading saved data, don't forget to reset all forms if you've been using them.


In order to read data that have been saved in a previous session,

1/ if they are not empty, click on this button to clear all forms : ,
2/ choose the data set you want to load from the list below (to update this list you just have to re-load this page) :

and give the name of the data set here : (with the same low/high case combination - you may copy/paste above names)
then push .
You now have to read, possibly change, check and in all cases validate the data.

Objects names input

Give objects names in boxes below (no more than 20 characters).

Above names must be validated using this button :

Features names input

Give features names in boxes below (no more than 20 characters each).

Above names must be validated using this button :

Input of features values for all objects

Before giving features values in the form below, you must first push the following button. The software will then prepare the input form and write down for you all features and objects names. As objects may have up to 20 letters long names, 4 lines are prepared to write them down using 5-letters blocks. Also, unuseful form boxes will be crossed out using XXX marks, so that you only have to fill in remaining blank boxes.

Give features values in empty boxes below for every object.

Above values must be validated using this button :

Input features weights

Before giving features weights in the form below, you must first push the following button. The software will then prepare the input form and write down for you all features names.

Above values must be validated using this button :

Check and save data set

Data input is over. It is recommended to print this page out and check data.

If you want to save the data for future use,
give it a name (no more than 10 letters or figures without blank space ; the undescore _ is the only character allowed as separator) :
then push .

Matrix processing

Now, you just have to click the following button to launch processing of data and sort out description matrix. The software will display two intermediate messages in order to indicate that it is working. It is not necessary to take note of them, just click OK.

Pushing this button launches sorting process :

When two messages are over, carry on with results display below.

Click on this button to display results :

Updated on march 2000, the 19th.